Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Happy day!! It's raining here...gently, steady all morning. Rained all night, too. We are blessed. Plans for this morning have been rescheduled, so I have some time to get caught up on other things...those other things I have been procrastinating on. P. is an area I would remove from my life, and am looking for a remedy. Send in tips, please. Most of what I lay aside is sewing projects. It is terrible to get behind. I like to get things done!!
I am thankful for a not so rushed morning...it is a good thing to slow down. Reflect.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back to blogging...I think

This was a week of being busy. Right now, I'm putting my feet up(really, just my right knee), and not doing much. 'Wish I was in Limestone, TN, where there is a fun re-enactment event, which occurs annually, celebrating Davy Crockett's birthday. Last year, I went, and got some great buttons from a lady who was selling them from her tent. Her business is http://www.bluecatbuttonworks.com/. Several families from our local militia(http://washingtoncountyregiment.wordpress.com/about/) like to revisit Limestone year to year at this event. So I'm missing being there with friends, but glad to have a day to just rest and recharge when I need to. I did something wrong to my knee about a week ago, and it's a little swelled, and hurts when I walk or put weight on it. Pray for it to heal well. I will be getting some medical attention for my knee on Tuesday, but until then I'm taking it easy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

The Lord has blessed us with a great "new" car. We had been without a vehicle for a number of weeks, while the family van is getting a new transmission, and a friend who wishes to remain anonymous, felt led to buy us this car. It is a 1998 Lincoln Continental. It has all the extra features. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think(!)....we thank Him for this gift and the blessing, and we thank Him for the one whom He gave it through. --Photos to follow--

Monday, January 5, 2009

"Where ever you are, be all there"

Jim Elliot wrote that. He lived such a life. He put everything that he was into the calling God put upon his life. Can we all say that? I would like to, with the Lord's help. This year, the Lord is impressing upon my heart the need to draw closer to Him. I want to know His Word more, let His love flow through me more, and be more bold to share the Gospel with those who are dying spiritually. There are other goals, too, which I am praying for this year, but these are the most important to me. I want God to find me faithful when I stand before Him on that day. It may be soon. We see the frailty of life today. God creates every life, and knows all its appointed days. He holds us in His hands. As I approach 30, I thank the God of Heaven for my health, His abiding presence, and His mercy upon me. 2008 is past, and now as the Lord writes His-story of 2009 in our lives, may we trust Him more, love Him more, serve Him more. This is His year, after all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008